A banquet hall in Lansing called us because they were experiencing a sluggish sewer. Our team advised them to have their lines rodded and televised. Once televised, our team recommended hydro-jetting to clear away buildup in several of the kitchen lines.
Our team rodded from the floor cleanout in the boiler room 90 feet to the manhole next to the grease trap. This line is for the floor drain in the laundry room for the triple sink and laundry tub and does not go to the grease trap. We also rodded all floor drains in the bar area and flushed them with water to ensure they were all flowing well.
After rodding, our team hydro-jetted from the grease trap, from the sanitary manhole to the grease trap and the sanitary manhole back into the building. The end result was sparkling clean pipes and no worries for the facility.
We’re always here when you need us; 24/7, 365 days a year. Sewer and drain problems can’t wait so call us at Reid & Pederson Drainage today!